Thursday, December 27, 2012

Happy New Year, 2013!                                                        
Congratulation to everyone for being able to survive 21st December 2012 ‘Doomsday Prediction’! As was required: we participated in activities, played leading roles in bringing changes, put our ideas together to weave assorted images of our school, but at the back of our mind we were constantly plagued by the feeling like ‘what use if world comes to an end’. Though we did our best to assert whole energy and put full concentration to our daily chores, yet that ‘wild feelings’ distracted and diverted part of our concentration. This much diversion was expected from us, while people around the world even observed the end of Mayan Long Count Calendar, which predicted the end of a major world cycle on December 21, 2012 insisting that there will be apocalypse.
Despite this warning, nothing happened to us. To say the least, we are protected by our Almighty. It seems our Almighty is superior to all others. Now, we see no reasons to listen to anyone who distracts our mind and intends to render our life meaningless. We can turn ourselves to what is ours and embrace the ones that are ours.
2012 is gone. Let us bury it completely. 2013 sprouts new shoots bearing promises of various kinds. Time is ripe for us to usher in and place it in our heart. The pristine energy, new enthusiasm, unused thoughts that spring out of our heart may be geared towards enkindling, our school in particular and our country in general, with the light of peace and happiness.
We have done and achieved a lot in our bygone years. We have dominated our cluster in the playfields, we have proved ourselves incomparable in cultural activities and we have presented our best discipline that made committee in the regional level present our students with the ‘Best School Award’. We have been in the list of top 10 schools consecutively for many years. We are doing well academically if not to say indomitable. We have not innovated any extraordinary program for those successes. To quote Shiv Khera, ‘we did nothing different but did same things differently’. That was all.
We can vividly recall the bountiful pride that we felt when people of different caliber and positions lavishly showered their praises on our performances. We are, succinctly, motivated to nurture and foster unique works further. We will, with patience, hard work, and perseverance place our school to a new height. We will work, hand in hand, with other schools, our Dzongkhag, Ministries and agencies in providing quality wholesome education to our students. While treading through the trails left behind by our predecessors, we shall also remember ourselves to be:
An institution of quality,
Home of knowledge to young aspirants,
As model amongst schools,
The pride of the in-house members and
The envy of the others…          
Very Happy New Year to everyone!  

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